Projet de recherche : mémoire
- Cours (CM) -
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) -
- Travaux pratiques (TP) -
- Travail étudiant (TE) -
Langue de l'enseignement : Français
Niveau de l'enseignement : C1-Autonome - Utilisateur expérimenté
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
En S2,
UE4 : Projet de recherche, Coef.2 ; ECTS : 6
The work required is a research project of 30 to 40 pages (75 000 to 100 000 signs, spaces included) in English. The student will choose a topic in the area of his/her specialisation with the approval of a research supervisor. (It is advisable to make an appointment to decide on a topic at the beginning of the autumn term, if not before). It is understood that this paper will constitute the first stage in a research project that could be developed fully in M2 (“mémoire” M2).
It is expected, therefore, that the finished work demonstrate a process of logical reasoning and argument applied to the chosen topic, resulting in a coherent and detailed outline. The paper should include a pertinent and up-to-date bibliography presented according to accepted conventions and the most significant works of this bibliography should be commented.
The research project will be judged on its originality, its relevance to the discipline and the quality of composition and presentation, all of which should conform to general expectations regarding a piece of research.
Projects must be handed in by mid-May at the latest (or at the date fixed by the university regulations should this differ).
For practical information regarding presentation norms, please consult the department website (Master, Guide du mémoire et du parcours de recherche de l'étudiant).
Évaluation par un jury composé du directeur de recherches et d’un autre enseignant-chercheur du département. La soutenance doit avoir lieu au plus tard le 18 juin.
The defence is in two parts:
1. The student's oral presentation of his / her work in English, which should not exceed 20 minutes.
2. An interview or “question-answer session” with the jury in English, or in both languages English and French, 15 to 30 minutes.
Mis à jour le 12 juin 2020
The work required is a research project of 30 to 40 pages (75 000 to 100 000 signs, spaces included) in English. The student will choose a topic in the area of his/her specialisation with the approval of a research supervisor. (It is advisable to make an appointment to decide on a topic at the beginning of the autumn term, if not before). It is understood that this paper will constitute the first stage in a research project that could be developed fully in M2 (“mémoire” M2).
It is expected, therefore, that the finished work demonstrate a process of logical reasoning and argument applied to the chosen topic, resulting in a coherent and detailed outline. The paper should include a pertinent and up-to-date bibliography presented according to accepted conventions and the most significant works of this bibliography should be commented.
The research project will be judged on its originality, its relevance to the discipline and the quality of composition and presentation, all of which should conform to general expectations regarding a piece of research.
Projects must be handed in by mid-May at the latest (or at the date fixed by the university regulations should this differ).
For practical information regarding presentation norms, please consult the department website (Master, Guide du mémoire et du parcours de recherche de l'étudiant).
Évaluation par un jury composé du directeur de recherches et d’un autre enseignant-chercheur du département. La soutenance doit avoir lieu au plus tard le 18 juin.
The defence is in two parts:
1. The student's oral presentation of his / her work in English, which should not exceed 20 minutes.
2. An interview or “question-answer session” with the jury in English, or in both languages English and French, 15 to 30 minutes.
Mis à jour le 12 juin 2020
Compétences à acquérir
- Mener une démarche de recherche
- Organiser son temps et son travail
- Rédiger un travail de recherche dans un registre de langue approprié
- Présenter un travail de recherche à l'oral de façon structurée et dans un registre de langue approprié
- Organiser son temps et son travail
- Rédiger un travail de recherche dans un registre de langue approprié
- Présenter un travail de recherche à l'oral de façon structurée et dans un registre de langue approprié
MASTER - Langues, littérature et civilisations étrangères et régionales