Anglais : Mind your body, embody your mind - semestre impair
- Cours (CM) -
- Cours intégrés (CI) -
- Travaux dirigés (TD) 24h
- Travaux pratiques (TP) -
- Travail étudiant (TE) -
Langue de l'enseignement : Anglais
Enseignement proposé en : en présence
Niveau de l'enseignement : C1-Autonome - Utilisateur expérimenté
Description du contenu de l'enseignement
Code scolarité : LD26RM08
Enseignante: Lara Delage-Toriel
Niveau recommandé : C1
Modalités d’inscription : via la plateforme Lansadmin
Attention : ce cours n’est pas ouvert aux étudiants inscrits en Licence d’Anglais LLCER
Descriptif :
How can your body inflect the workings of your mind? How can the stories, musings and emotional states in your mind move your body? How can the gestures of the English language open up new pathways for expression in the bodymind?
By guiding you through personal compositions – improvised or not, verbal and/or non-verbal, in solo, duet or larger group structures – this course invites you to explore the creative junctions between dance, voice and the written word.
All levels in the performing arts (from beginner to experienced) are welcome.
This year, our special focus will be a creative response to Place, an oratorio by composer Ted Hearne and writer Saul Williams, programmed by the Musica festival on Friday 22nd September 2023.
NB : Attendance to this performance as well as the pre-show talk with Ted Hearne is strongly advised, though we will also be working from the libretto and video recordings. A tailor-made workshop for the group might also be organized by Musica (date to be confirmed, but probably on 23rd September).
Price of the show : 6€/student.
Horaires : jeudi 12h-14h (1ère séance le 21 septembre + séance spéciale le 22 septembre à 19h30 puis 21h au Maillon)
Modalités du contrôle continu : un oral et un écrit (2h)
Lieu : Salle de Répétition (Büchner), sous la cafétéria du Patio
Enseignante: Lara Delage-Toriel
Niveau recommandé : C1
Modalités d’inscription : via la plateforme Lansadmin
Attention : ce cours n’est pas ouvert aux étudiants inscrits en Licence d’Anglais LLCER
Descriptif :
How can your body inflect the workings of your mind? How can the stories, musings and emotional states in your mind move your body? How can the gestures of the English language open up new pathways for expression in the bodymind?
By guiding you through personal compositions – improvised or not, verbal and/or non-verbal, in solo, duet or larger group structures – this course invites you to explore the creative junctions between dance, voice and the written word.
All levels in the performing arts (from beginner to experienced) are welcome.
This year, our special focus will be a creative response to Place, an oratorio by composer Ted Hearne and writer Saul Williams, programmed by the Musica festival on Friday 22nd September 2023.
NB : Attendance to this performance as well as the pre-show talk with Ted Hearne is strongly advised, though we will also be working from the libretto and video recordings. A tailor-made workshop for the group might also be organized by Musica (date to be confirmed, but probably on 23rd September).
Price of the show : 6€/student.
Horaires : jeudi 12h-14h (1ère séance le 21 septembre + séance spéciale le 22 septembre à 19h30 puis 21h au Maillon)
Modalités du contrôle continu : un oral et un écrit (2h)
Lieu : Salle de Répétition (Büchner), sous la cafétéria du Patio
Pré-requis obligatoires
Niveau B2 déjà validé (test proposé en début d'année universitaire)
Lara Delage-Toriel